Žiga Korent is a Slovenian artist with solo and group exhibitions in Slovenia and abroad. A member of Ljubljana Fine Artists Society (DLUL), who works and lives in Ljubljana. He works in different fields of creative industries and fine arts (from paintings to photography and graphic design). Moreover, he is also a frequently published illustrator and designer (furniture, textile and fashion design). He graduated "cum laude" in textile and fashion design at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering. Korent's works are, on the one hand, specific due to the way in which the content is deliver: unusual framing, divided scenes and the expansion of painting images into the space and on the objects. On the other hand, they attract us with their colourfulness, light and the author's main message: we need to give meaning to our lives anew by means of spontaneity, sincerity, playfulness, joy and beauty of the valuable everyday moments, which often evade our perception.The opening sentence in one of his catalogues (A kiss / 2017) perhaps best summarises his goals and intentions: “I will take a chance to sound utopian, but there comes a time when the best critique of humanity is to imagine the world we wish for, filled with love and kisses.”
*Virtualni Zimski salon ZDSLU, mali format : 3. 12. 2020 - 30. 1. 2021.
*Prodajna novoletna razstava članov DLUL, GALERIJA DLUL (BREG 22), Ljubljana, Slovenija, 15.12.2019 - 05. 01. 2020.
*Zimski salon ZDSLU 2019 : Galerija ZDSLU, Ljubljana, Slovenia; 05. 12. 2019 - 6. 01. 2020.
*Nevidne vezi - Invisible Ties: Painting exhibition, Galerija Layerjeve hiše, Kranj, Slovenia, 20. 8. - 7. 9. 2019.
*Majski salon ZDSLU - slika (painting), Narodni muzej Slovenije - Metelkova, Ljubljana, Slovenia; 15. 5. 2019 - 18. 8. 2019
*Nevidne vezi - Invisible Ties: Painting exhibition, Galerija DLUL, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 22. 12. 2018 - 6. 1. 2019.
*Zimski festival ZDSLU : Galerija ZDSLU, Ljubljana, Slovenia; 06. 12. 2018 - 31. 12. 2018.
*Prisluhnimo muzam-Listen to the Muses: Painting exhibition, Informacijsko središče SNG Opera in balet Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenija, September 2018 - July 2019
*Zimski salon ZDSLU : Galerija ZDSLU, Ljubljana, Slovenia; 07. 12. 2017 - 19. 01. 2018.
*Art je moj kruh: Galerija DLUL, Ljubljana, Slovenia; 22. 11. 2017 - 31. 12. 2017.
*Poljub-A Kiss: Painting exhibition, Galerija 19, Dol pri Ljubljani, Slovenia, May - June 2017.*Ljudje in barve-People and color: Painting exhibition, Klub Jedro, Medvode, Slovenija, February 2017.
*Od prve poteze-From first brush (2005 - 2016): Painting exhibition, Dom gasilcev in krajanov Tacen, Ljubljana, Slovenia, January 2017.
*Luč teme-Light Threads: Painting exhibition, Galerija Ekonomske Fakultete, Ljubljana, Slovenia, January 2014.
*Tunnel: Design, Month of Design 2011, Design Expo, Gospodarsko Razstavišče, Ljubljana, Slovenia; October, 2011.
*NYCity(e)scape - Pobeg v NYC: Photographic Exhibition, KUD France Prešeren, Ljubljana, Slovenia; 15. 3. 2011 - 18. 4. 2011.
*Pick me up - Vzemi me v roke: Fashion show, Center urbane kulture Kino Šiška, Ljubljana, Slovenia; May 2010.
*Textile books - Tekstilne knjige: Photographic+Textile Exhibition, Tovarna umetnosti, Breg pri Majšperku, Slovenia; June 2010.
*Naprej nazaj - Textile Exhibition, Slovenski Etnografski Muzej, Ljubljana, Slovenia; May/June 2009.
*Majski salon ZDSLU - slika (painting), Narodni muzej Slovenije - Metelkova, Ljubljana, Slovenia; 15. 5. 2019 - 18. 8. 2019
*Nevidne vezi - Invisible Ties: Painting exhibition, Galerija DLUL, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 22. 12. 2018 - 6. 1. 2019.
*Zimski festival ZDSLU : Galerija ZDSLU, Ljubljana, Slovenia; 06. 12. 2018 - 31. 12. 2018.
*Prisluhnimo muzam-Listen to the Muses: Painting exhibition, Informacijsko središče SNG Opera in balet Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenija, September 2018 - July 2019
*Zimski salon ZDSLU : Galerija ZDSLU, Ljubljana, Slovenia; 07. 12. 2017 - 19. 01. 2018.
*Art je moj kruh: Galerija DLUL, Ljubljana, Slovenia; 22. 11. 2017 - 31. 12. 2017.
*Poljub-A Kiss: Painting exhibition, Galerija 19, Dol pri Ljubljani, Slovenia, May - June 2017.*Ljudje in barve-People and color: Painting exhibition, Klub Jedro, Medvode, Slovenija, February 2017.
*Od prve poteze-From first brush (2005 - 2016): Painting exhibition, Dom gasilcev in krajanov Tacen, Ljubljana, Slovenia, January 2017.
*Luč teme-Light Threads: Painting exhibition, Galerija Ekonomske Fakultete, Ljubljana, Slovenia, January 2014.
*Tunnel: Design, Month of Design 2011, Design Expo, Gospodarsko Razstavišče, Ljubljana, Slovenia; October, 2011.
*NYCity(e)scape - Pobeg v NYC: Photographic Exhibition, KUD France Prešeren, Ljubljana, Slovenia; 15. 3. 2011 - 18. 4. 2011.
*Pick me up - Vzemi me v roke: Fashion show, Center urbane kulture Kino Šiška, Ljubljana, Slovenia; May 2010.
*Textile books - Tekstilne knjige: Photographic+Textile Exhibition, Tovarna umetnosti, Breg pri Majšperku, Slovenia; June 2010.
*Naprej nazaj - Textile Exhibition, Slovenski Etnografski Muzej, Ljubljana, Slovenia; May/June 2009.

Photo by Blaž Korent
Thank you!